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Online Disclaimer

Subject to any terms implied by law and which cannot be excluded, all representations, warranties and other terms are excluded and Community First Credit Union Limited shall not liable for any loss or damage (including indirect, special or consequential loss or damage) howsoever caused (including by negligence) which may arise as a result of any person relying on or using information contained on this website.
The information contained on this website is:
  • made available in good faith
  • general information only
  • not to be relied upon as being complete or up to date
  • subject to change
The Credit Union is not responsible for products supplied by third parties (even if supplied through the Credit Union). Products and services are only available in Australia and to persons and corporations who are, or become, members of the Credit Union.
Up to date product information including interest rates, terms and conditions and fees and charges should be obtained by contacting Community First Direct on 1300 13 22 77.

Community First Credit Union LimitedABN 80 087 649 938 | Operating as Community First Bank | AFSL and Australian credit licence 231204| BSB 512-170