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Top tips when working from home

Top tips to look after yourself while working from home.

At Community First, you can rest assured that your money is safe, but during uncertain times, your money isn’t the only thing you need to look after. If you have found yourself working from home as a result of the current pandemic, you may be finding a new set of daily challenges. Making sure you keep your health and wellbeing in check during this time is important, which is why we’ve put together our top tips to look after yourself when working from home.

1. Get those endorphins pumping

Even for those of us who don’t have a regular exercise regime, it’s important to get the blood pumping for your day ahead.  Using the time you’d normally be commuting to work for a little light exercise can really help with productivity throughout the day.  Some light stretching, a walk, skipping or even jogging on the spot are just a few ways to get those endorphins working before we dive into that to-do list!

2. Set a routine

It’s easy to fall into the habit of waking up just in time to take that conference call.  However, setting a routine similar to what you’d do when heading into work really helps keep us on track.  Set your alarm clock, shower, brush your hair and dress in something nice.  This will all help you make that mental association with work and help with your motivation.

3. Structure is the key

You would usually structure your day in the office, but when working from home this can quickly go by the wayside.  Put a schedule together and include some breaks for yourself.  You need to shift gears to remain focussed or else you could burn out.

4. Find your workspace

Take some time to set up a dedicated space just for you.  This will help you focus when working and give you the ability to physically finish work at the end of the day when you clear off or close off that space. Make sure you have the right tools and an ergonomically friendly setup.

5. Stay connected

Connection is key to your emotional wellbeing.  Even the most introverted people need some form of interaction.  We are very fortunate to have many modes of technology we can call on to stay connected.  A quick verbal conversation (not email), some video call or a simple text can make all the difference in your day.  Check in on your colleagues and friends: this is new to us all and some people may be struggling.

6. Make sure you clock off

Although working from home does appear to give us more work-life balance, we can often fall into the trap of losing track of time.

The cues we usually have, such as your colleagues packing up or the cleaners coming through aren’t present at home.  In lieu of these cues set an alarm to alert you to your finish time, you can work past this but at least you’ll be aware that dinner time isn’t far away.


Last updated: 14 May 2020

The information contained in this article is only correct at the point of time of publication. It is general information and has been prepared without taking into account your personal circumstances, objectives or needs. Please consider if this information is right for you before making a decision to acquire any product.

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