Be scam aware. We’ll never ask you for your Internet banking password, nor will we ever ask you to move money to another Community First account or other financial institution. If you’re ever unsure, call us back on the number published on our website. If you’re asked to open an account at another financial institution, do not proceed.

Important tips to protect your money

Explore the various ways you can keep your PINs and passcodes secure as well as how to properly safe guard your cards and devices

There are many simple and effective ways to further protect your money. From setting strong passwords to being mindful of who is around when you enter your information.

Protecting your pass code and PIN/s:

  • Memorise your pins and passwords, ensuring you destroy any letters you receive with these details
  • Don’t share them with anyone including family members or friends
  • Don’t write them down, store them on or with devices such as phones and computers, or keep them on one or more articles liable to be lost or stolen simultaneously
  • Make them hard to guess – don’t use your DOB, alphabetical passcode that is a recognisable part of your name, anything easily guessed or patterns of numbers
  • Don’t let anyone see you enter your pass code or PIN
Cards and devices:

  • Sign your new card/s immediately, don’t let anyone else use it or hold on to them for you and keep it in a safe place
  • Take it with you after every transaction, don’t leave it around when you’re out
  • Cut your card up when it’s expired and take extra care with your phone if you use mobile banking
  • Keep records of your transactions such as receipts and check you statements when you get them
  • Check if you’re eligible for chargebacks due to discrepancies with purchases
Contact us immediately if:

  • Your card or device is lost or stolen
  • Someone has found out your pass code or PIN
  • You suspect a fraudulent/unauthorised transaction or error

If you don’t follow the terms and conditions of your account, or take reasonable steps to protect your cards, devices or PINs, you may be liable for any unauthorised transactions. This is a guide only. Your liability will be determined according to the e-Payments code. Need more info? Go to for more tips to stay safe or section 6 of the Electronic Access Facilities and e-Payments Conditions of Use section of our Terms and Conditions document, available on our website.

Community First Credit Union LimitedABN 80 087 649 938 | Operating as Community First Bank | AFSL and Australian credit licence 231204| BSB 512-170