How to increase your loan
Increasing your loan can be a convenient way to fund a wide range of needs. Find out how to go about increasing your loan with us.
Need to increase your Community First loan?
A lot could have changed since you last applied for your loan with us. You may have changed jobs, had children, paid off debts or taken more on. As your financial position could have changed, you will need to submit a new loan application so that we can reassess your financial position and ability to repay a higher loan amount.
How much extra could I borrow?
This is determined by your borrowing power or how much we are willing to lend you based on our credit assessment criteria. It may also be determined by the type of product you have as a minimum or maximum loan amount could also affect what you could borrow.
How to apply
You can apply online, over the phone or at one of our financial services stores. We'll help you choose the right product for you.
If applying online, you should enter the amount you are applying for as the new total amount. For example, if you currently have a personal loan of $5,000 and wish to increase it by $2,000, you should apply for a personal loan of $7,000. Later in the application you'll be able to indicate that the existing loan of $5,000 is being paid out by this one.
Calculate your repayments
Our loan calculators will help you work out a range of calculations such as how much you may be able to borrow, what your repayments will be, and how additional repayments can affect your loan term and interest paid.
Credit eligibility criteria, terms and conditions, fees and charges apply.
Community First Credit Union LimitedABN 80 087 649 938 | Operating as Community First Bank | AFSL and Australian credit licence 231204| BSB 512-170