2023 64th Annual General Meeting
Community First is a member owned organisation. As a member, you can attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to catch up with the past year’s performance; to listen to plans for the future; to have your say and to vote on any matter on the Agenda.
Time: Registration of attendees will commence at 1.00pm. The meeting will commence at 2pm.
The business at hand
In accordance with the Constitution of Community First three Directors, being Ken Pickering, Rocky Scopelliti and Gary Thomson will retire this year, and being eligible for re-election, intend to stand again. Should you wish to nominate someone for a position on the Board, an official nomination form can be obtained by contacting Community First Direct on 1300 13 22 77. All nominations must be received
The Banking Act and the related Fit and Proper Australian Prudential Standard, requires that directors or potential directors of an Authorised Deposit-Taking Institution, of which Community First is one, be subject to a “Fit and Proper Person” test. This includes conducting checks with the Australian Federal Police, Bankruptcy Registers, the ASIC Register of Banned and Disqualified Persons and be eligible to be registered and approved as an accountable person with APRA and under any relevant prudential standard.
The standards also require that a director of an Authorised Deposit-Taking Institution must have appropriate skills, experience and knowledge and must act with honesty and integrity. The Board Nominations Committee, whose role is to review nominees for the position of Director and advise members of the suitability of the nominee to fulfil the role of Director of Community First, will interview candidates for the election of directors, including the retiring directors, to verify their claimed knowledge and experience to ensure they have the necessary skills for the role and to establish a view as to whether or not they will be considered suitable for election as directors.
Further information
The notice will also be displayed in each of our Financial Services Stores (within the printed Focus newsletter) and available from our website here.
Copies of Financial Statements and the Report of the Directors will be available at each of our Financial Services Stores no later than 24 October 2023.
Attendance at the AGM
Community First Credit Union LimitedABN 80 087 649 938 | Operating as Community First Bank | AFSL and Australian credit licence 231204| BSB 512-170