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Home Loan Key Facts Sheet

What is a Home Loan Key Facts Sheet?

By using our key facts sheet tool you can simulate a loan scenario based on one of our home loans (excluding split home loan options). It will help you calculate the true cost of a home loan, making it easier for you to compare your options. 


Key facts sheets only apply to principal and interest loans (they don't apply to interest-only or line of credit type loans). 


How do I use a Home Loan Key Facts Sheet?

To use the calculator, select a home loan, adjust the sliders that will appear or you can manually enter in information, and click "View Loan Key Facts". Details about your loan, including the interest rate, repayments and fees will then be shown.


You can generate a Home Loan Key Facts Sheet by clicking below. 


Generate a Home Loan Key Facts Sheet.


How can a Key Facts Sheet help me?

  • Make it easier to draw comparisons
  • Estimate the cost of the home loan
  • See how interest rate increrases affect the cost of the loan
  • See how you can repay the loan faster
  • Features you may wish to consider


Once you have generated a Home Loan Key Facts Sheet, you can either print it, or save it to your computer to email or print later.

Community First Credit Union LimitedABN 80 087 649 938 | Operating as Community First Bank | AFSL and Australian credit licence 231204| BSB 512-170